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企业必须在各个领域适应现代世界. Digitalization greatly impacts approaches to running companies, including trading ones. Sales are evolving every year, and now we are seeing a trend toward the emergence of online stores. 网上交易从小型网站或网页开始. However, 现在电子商务已经发生了巨大的变化, and huge marketplaces with hundreds of features and tools for convenient shopping are being created to sell goods. Magento CMS is a great solution for building a fully functional web resource without hassle. A number of Magento extensions are included in the platform's second version to enhance all features to the highest degree.
它为您的商店提供了无与伦比的功能和定制潜力. 鉴于我们的设计和开发经验, we couldn’t simply pass by this great opportunity to provide the best solutions for the Magento 2 community. The experienced developers carefully craft the greatest modules that fulfill all major requirements: great code, 很棒的功能, 直观管理.
和产品一起, you may focus on offering appealing products and increasing your revenue stream without worrying about the tools needed to achieve these goals. This approach lets you rely on a worldwide audience and increase income several times while refusing to pay web studios and designers to develop from scratch. 如何使用平台,扩展的价值是什么? 我们现在就来看看!
所有关于Magento CMS
Magento是最受欢迎的电子商务平台之一. It has an open-source code and provides ample opportunities for managing an online store. CMS提供了对资源内容的完全控制, 提供了一个灵活的系统来设置购物车, 并允许您实现多个支付系统.
Moreover, the platform enables you to create marketplaces of different sizes and sell various quantities of products. Magento 2模块的数量也令人印象深刻, 因此,您一定会找到扩展功能的解决方案. 另一个优势是CMS在SEO页面优化方面做得很好, 所以通过搜索引擎的快速推广是有保证的.
高级开发人员会喜欢CMS,因为它易于使用. Of course, to deal with the platform, you need certain coding skills and IT knowledge. However, many addons make it easy to complete all tasks and introduce new unique features without programming.
- A large number of tools for tracking analytics to increase sales and gain credibility among customers.
- the ability to implement several popular 支付系统 at once, including PayPal and Stripe.
- 多语言和多货币环境.
- 现成的可用性 website themes 启动一个网页,而无需开发设计和结构的麻烦.
- 用户帐户的广泛可能性, for example, 展示评分并形成愿望清单.
- 为老客户提供折扣、优惠券和忠诚计划.
- 大量的Magento扩展,以提高数字商店的基本功能.
由于电子商务的广泛可能性,Magento在用户中需求量很大. There are plenty of tools in the system that can be used to improve and grow your business, 吸引顾客, 并为他们提供愉快的购物体验. 然而,该平台的潜力并不局限于其基本特征. The developers have prepared modules for those who strive to get the best performance in the field of sales.
Extensions for Magento are packages of code developed to enhance or add features to an online shop. They make it possible to incorporate all sorts of bells and whistles into the website and give customers a pleasant shopping experience. 因为CMS非常灵活, easy to use, and adaptive, almost any functionality may be integrated into it and make your company as convenient as possible for visitors. The main advantage is that there is no need to rack your brains over creating the code yourself. 真正的专业人士已经为你准备好了一切, 所以剩下的就是安装和激活插件来享受工作流程了.
各种现成的插件令人印象深刻. 在线商店的前端和后端都有现成的解决方案. 插件是完美的 检查页面 查找断开的链接可以简化公司员工的许多操作. 请放心,使用插件,可以保证快速,无错误的性能!
就模块为买家提供的可能性而言, 扩展开发人员已经超越了自己! 想要实现很酷的签出工具, 创建优惠券和折扣系统, 或提供可靠的客户数据保护? And what about integrating third-party services, for example, 支付系统 or social networks? 所有这些都是在Magento 2插件的力量! 确保您的数字商店获得独特的功能,只需点击几下.
Magento extensions are real superheroes in IT technologies because almost any task is just a trifle for them. 插件有广泛的用途,可以帮助添加不同的功能. 一些解决方案被设计为对页面进行小的调整, 例如添加社交媒体集成或时事通讯弹出表单. Others, in turn, 彻底改变资源, introducing the possibility of registering a personal account or a system of gift coupons.
The fact that CMS offers solutions that ensure complete digital store security cannot be understated. 为什么它很重要?? Statistics show that often web users are wary of shopping on the Internet because of identity theft. Use one of the modules to protect your customers' credit cards and earn a great reputation.
Magento 2插件还实现了哪些功能? 查看插件解决的主要问题列表, 但请记住,它们的能力要广泛得多.
今天的网络用户更喜欢即时搜索结果. 而不是等待目录或购物车加载, 他们离开页面寻找更好的选择. Unfortunately, 网上商店常常摆满了大量的商品, 支付系统, 甚至还有博客文章. 所有这些都是为了快速操作,而不是让游客等待, 对页面错误的详细分析, 搜索损坏的链接, 所有元素的一般优化是必要的. Magento扩展提供了这样的服务,并将资源的速度提高了几倍.
Many entrepreneurs are wondering how to make Internet shops as close as possible to traditional ones. 幸运的是,这不是有模块的火箭科学. 它们允许您添加许多工具,但让我们关注最重要的工具:
- Convenient wishlist and shopping cart so that users can easily mark their favorite products and not lose them.
- 所有阶段的送货清关,包括跟踪包裹.
- 带有过滤器的目录,可以快速找到合适的产品.
- 自动在购物车中创建支票.
- 产品对比表 简化客户从几个可能的选项中选择最佳选项.
- The creation of a system of discounts, gift coupons, and special deals for customers.
各种形式和弹出窗口是网络商业营销的引擎. 企业家经常出于几个原因使用它们. First, it's a great way to capture the visitor's attention and let them know about a cool offer or discount from the company. 其次,它们有助于保持与用户的持续联系并产生线索. Finally, this is a good advertising move to send out a newsletter about new arrivals and invite you to visit your eCommerce resource. 点击这里,如果你想快速,轻松地实现一个 通讯弹出.
网上商店包含大量的内容:产品、块和类别. Therefore, it can be difficult for customers to determine what's what and find the right product. 可用的插件以简单的方式解决了这些问题. 在他们的帮助下,你加上一个 MegaMenu 组织所有的类别而不使页面混乱. 控件提供实时搜索也是可能的 search plugin. 与数字商店打交道和下订单从未如此简单.
如今,许多web项目都离不开彼此. 用户习惯于通过PayPal和Stripe进行支付, 所以这些系统需要集成到你的商店中. It is a great solution to get customers to feel at ease and stay in their comfort zone at such a crucial stage as paying for goods. In addition, integrating social networks such as Facebook or Instagram can significantly increase your company's visibility and, therefore, 总收入. 您可以很容易地添加所需的按钮和系统与一个插件.
Magento扩展从Templateog体育首页 -主要特点
正如您已经了解的那样,插件几乎可以满足您的任何愿望. They are easy to use, flexible, and improve the performance of an online store several times over. However, many entrepreneurs worry about whether the extensions meet all the characteristics of websites to fit perfectly into them. Of course, this is very important because in order not to slow down the page and not spoil its overall look, 插件必须是最高级别的. Magento 2 developers have taken care of this, so the plugins provide you with only the best features. 你自己看看吧:
Agree that no one wants to visit a resource where all the widgets move down and are displayed incorrectly. Luckily, responsiveness 避免这种情况,并确保所有内容在任何设备上看起来都很棒, 其中包括智能手机, tablets, and computers.
Magento extensions are designed to improve the performance of an eCommerce page, not ruin it. It means they are guaranteed not to cause errors or problems and slow down the store thanks to professionally developed code.
兼容Magento 2
Templateog体育首页集合中的所有模块都适用于Magento 2. 它们有助于扩展网站功能并添加各种电子商务工具, 比如不同的支付系统, a wishlist, 或者购物车. 请记住,您不能在以前版本的CMS中使用它们.
Easy to use
即使对于IT新手来说,插件和CMS本身也很容易使用. Don't worry if you're new to coding; they're flexible and user-friendly. 模块的安装和配置非常容易和快速.
Modules from the collection are independent products that are not tied to a specific template or provider. Therefore, you can easily implement them in any CMS eCommerce resource without worrying about compatibility.
Magento 2 extensions make the management process for any store smoother and much more reliable. We’ve ensured to follow all of the industry standards for the functionality of each of our modules. It means that you’re getting the same OR a better set of features and settings within our extensions than you could get from similar 3rd party modules.
专业和认证的开发人员创建了所有的Magento扩展. 这意味着Templateog体育首页的模块保持最高的代码标准, 根据最佳CMS实践构建. 因此,这些插件是高效、无bug和可靠的.
Magento 2本身就是一个复杂的系统. That’s why additional clutter within an extension could really ruin your day as a store owner. That’s why we made sure to simplify the management and UI of our addons so that you could spend more time working on your store. 所有的扩展还包括详细的文档.
有任何问题或需要帮助您的扩展Templateog体育首页? Templateog体育首页乐于助人的支持团队随时为您服务. 它的所有模块都是六个月免费的, so you don’t have to pay for ridiculously priced support packages other vendors offer.
安装Magento 2扩展-分步指南
In general, working with addons does not cause difficulties and does not require much time. 它们灵活且用户友好, which makes it easy to integrate them into your digital shop and do all the necessary settings. 一切都很简单,即使是IT新手也能轻松处理产品.
然而,即使使用Magento扩展,一些客户端也会遇到问题. 其中一个障碍是安装插件. 该产品投入使用可能困难且耗时. 有了详细的分步说明,您可以更快地完成所有步骤. Check out the efficient recommendations now to move on to more important elements of launching your eCommerce business:
- 首先,你应该注意选择一个插件. Templateog体育首页为不同的问题提供了解决方案, 所以你的任务就是决定你的目标, for example, 改进购物车或增加支付方式.
- 在侧边栏中设置您的标准,包括价格范围、功能和标签. 因此,您可以立即看到满足您需求的选项.
- 你选择了一个有价值的插件吗? 确保它与您的电子商务资源的Magento版本兼容. 此外,请查看演示,描述和以前买家的评论.
- 如果您确定您的选择,请继续结帐.
- 现在最重要的部分是安装. 添加插件最简单的方法之一是使用管理面板. Go to Admin -> Stores -> Configuration and select the desired plugin from the dropdown list. 然后单击Save Config.
- At the next stage, you need to enter the license key of the purchased Magento extension. 您将在Templateog体育首页帐户中找到密钥.
- 单击Save Config按钮,然后单击Update Config.
- Ready! 扩展已安装并准备进行配置.
在线市场提供广泛的现成IT服务和解决方案. Therefore, it may be difficult for entrepreneurs to choose the most reliable supplier on the market. 如果你还在寻找,那么请注意Templateog体育首页. 本公司有20年的经验, 在此期间, 赢得了良好的声誉. The marketplace provides a huge selection of website templates for various CMS from WordPress to PrestaShop, 插件和扩展, 甚至还有定制网络资源的服务.
In addition, the firm offers technical support for the maintenance of ready-made solutions. 在选择产品时,您还会得到售前专家的全力支持. They are available 24/7 and ready to answer all your questions regarding a particular theme or plugin. 客户端选择Templateog体育首页是因为它的可靠性, friendly staff, 而且品种繁多,质量上乘. Click here 你自己看吧!
Wrapping Up
In conclusion, creating an eCommerce project is a multi-stage process that requires effort and resources. It is necessary to equip the web page with all the modern bells and whistles and stand out from the competition. 幸运的是,Magento是这一行最好的助手. The platform allows you to launch a full-fledged marketplace in just a few days and sell any kind of goods. 所有你需要的是一点点的编码和灵感,成为电子商务的一部分.
不提Magento扩展是不可能的, 哪些能显著改善在线资源并使其更具功能性. Plugins allow you to avoid creating code from scratch and help you implement the necessary features, 比如礼券, 不同的支付系统, 或者只需点击几下就能购物车. 它们灵活、方便,并且代码干净. It means that add-ons in no way harm the digital shop and do not slow it down but rather improve it. So, this is an excellent solution to simplify many tasks for yourself and enjoy amazing results.
Now that you know everything about addons, it's time to choose the best solution and get to work. Good luck!
Magento扩展问题 & Answers
Of course. You easily install addons through the admin panel or Composer using the documentation with step-by-step instructions. 如果你有什么困难, do not hesitate to contact the Templeog体育首页 support team for detailed advice on any issue.
Yes. 您在您的电子商务网站上实现任何Magento扩展. 但是,您需要确保附加组件的版本与网页的版本匹配. To avoid making a mistake in buying, consult with our pre-sale experts via live chat.
Yes. Templateog体育首页集合提供了一个 Magento 2博客模块, so you can easily keep your own journal and increase store traffic by installing it.
Certainly, there is a smart one-click checkout Magento extension to speed up the payment process and make it as convenient as possible. 该插件还允许客户申请优惠券和折扣卡. 高配置和灵活性也得到了保证.